The first, and hopefully annual, Hal-con is now over and needless to say, I had a great time. This was actually my first time attending a Con, and it was such a bizarre, nerve-racking, wonderful experience. The lovely Drakaina (the world's number 2 fantasy art model according to AskMen.com) and I shared an autograph table and we were fortunate enough to be placed next to Walter Koenig (Chekov from Star Trek) and Denise Crosby (Tasha Yar from Star Trek:TNG and Dexter). They were both incredibly nice and gracious to their fans. Again, I hope this becomes an annual event, because I'm really looking forward to going again next year. In the meantime though, I have the Halifax Gothic Christmas convention coming up in December where once again, I'll be joining the lovely Drakaina for some more autograph signing.
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